Slovenský rodný list a pas pre dieťa narodené v zahraničí
Otázka z poradne: Dobrý deň, chcem sa informovať, ako by som mala postupovať pri riešení situácie narodenia môjho dieťaťa v Škótsku. Žijem tu už dlhodobo, ale nie som občanom, ako ani moje dieťa nie je občanom UK podľa mojich informácií. Mám jeho anglický rodný list, avšak chcela by som pre neho vybaviť aj slovenský rodný list…
Divorce and child care in Slovakia
Spouses are equal in their marital rights and responsibilities. According to Slovak legal order they are obliged to live together, to be faithful, to respect each other’s dignity, to help each other, to take care of the children together and to create a healthy family environment. However, it does not always turn out well in…
Multiple or dual citizenship of Slovak citizens
Question: I want to ask whether I can have three different citizenships. The point is that I was born in Mexico (I have Mexican citizenship), but I still have Slovak citizenship through my parents and I also have a Slovak passport. Unfortunately, I do not have any residence registered in Slovakia. However, I have been…