- basic consultation of all aspects
- marriage with a foreigner
- marriage concluded abroad by a citizen of the Slovak Republic
- a child with a foreigner and without a marriage
- break with a foreign national – legal issues
- international divorce – representation in court
- a child from a mixed family and the adjustment of relations with minor children from bilingual families
- moving with a minor child – change of residence
- habitual residence of the minor and legal aspects
- alimony from abroad – if the other parent is a national of a foreign state
- constitutional complaint
- complaint to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg
- regulation of parental rights and relations with minor children
- foreigners representation at court
Marriage to a foreigner from an EU member state or from a third country is common. When spouses, nationals of different states divorce or when family law proceedings are conducted on the regulation of the exercise of parental rights and obligations to a minor child, one of whose parents is a citizen of a foreign state, special legal rules may apply. The legal aspects of these family relationships are specific and governed not only by Slovak family law but also by other legislation.
In case the spouses have common children, various legal aspects of their care may arise. Foreign language couples should agree on care after their children. In cases where the parents do not agree, it is necessary to decide on the maintenance of the minor by court, adjust the exercise of parental rights and obligations to the child, determine the minor’s contact with the other parent or relatives’ contact with the child. There are also more cases of parental abduction of minor children outside the Slovak Republic by parents. Opposite situations may happen too – a citizen of the Slovak Republic moves with the child from abroad back to Slovakia without the consent of the other parent that remained abroad.
At our law firm, we are used to dealing with family matters of all kinds of families and we actively use our experience and knowledge of EU and international law for the benefit of our clients. We provide legal advice in European law and legal services in resolving legal relations with nationals of foreign countries.
Get advice from our law firm. We also provide advice and elaboration of documents in English.
Feel free to contact us whether you are looking for answers to partial questions or you need representation at court. We communicate electronically and in case you are abroad we will assist to your needs and represent at court.
After entering the request, we will send you a price offer for the proposed service and we will communicate the necessary requisites for the legal service.