An essential condition for entering into marriage is the age of the bride or groom, as well as their mental state.
A marriage cannot be entered into by a minors or person of weak mental state, regardless of their maturity or love. These would be circumstances precluding the conclusion of a marriage and such a marriage would be invalid.
The only exception where, given the circumstances, it is possible to marry before reaching adulthood (18 years of age) is to marry with the consent of the court, but only to persons who are already at least 16 years old.
One consultation (this can be in person at the office or an online consultation via Skype, Viber or WhatsApp) will be sufficient to prepare a proposal to initiate marriage permit proceedings for the minor, and we will prepare the proposal itself within three days.
Feel free to contact us, whether you are looking for answers to partial specific questions, or you need to guide or find solutions to your situation. After entering your request, we will send you a draft price offer for our service.